Monday, September 12, 2005

달콤한 인생 / A Bittersweet Life

Over the weekend, I borrowed a number of DVDs, among them the Korean film "A Bittersweet Life".

There's a scene where the white-haired gang boss succintly sums up my past and present experience of the Korean management style:

"오야가 누군가에게 실수 했다고하면 실수한 일이 없어도 실수한 사람은 나와야 되는거죠. 간단하게 끝날 일인데." (If the boss says you're wrong, then you're wrong, even if you didn't really do it. Then it's over. Period.)

The story's about a vengeful psychopath (in a film full of vengeful psychopaths) who shows one iota of human warmth and is punished violently for it. The moral seems to be two-fold: never show mercy to anyone; vengeance is the only way to resolve your troubles. Very bleak, but the acting is notable.

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